Monday, February 2, 2009

The Upside to Situational Awareness

Staring at the Redbout webcam is not without its benefits. Beautiful sunsets. It seems like the past couple of days the sun lowers in just the right place to light up the steam plume in a beautiful way.

Here is what it looks like right now:

I heard a rumor about 65 degrees back in the old north state today. and then a chance of snow tonight and tomorrow. sure... the weather's crazy there, but thats the best of both worlds. We're stuck just above zero. The joke's over at some point, right?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Waiting Game

I officially would like to call Mt.Redoubt out. Erupt already, or go back dormant. I'm getting tired of looking at your seismic activity and webcam views non stop at work. We are as ready as we're gonna be. Take any longer and you're just going to be the volcano who cried wolf. You've been on the national news, you've been on the international news...oh I get it, you're selfish. Just come on!

For the record, here is what work mainly involves these days: using an excellent page developed by none other than Mr.Sam Shea, which shows some webigrams (seismic activity) and some webcams. One webcam is pointed at the mountain from across Cook Inlet. The other one is situated just north of mountain on an opposing peak... I think it's like 7 or 8 miles away. Here is what it looks like currently:

And sure, it's really neat stuff...but I feel like we've all been in queue for the past week waiting for this thing to go! All I ask is that it keeps the ash away from the city. I have no desire to walk around in a dusk mask like the residents of China did during the Avian Flu outbreak or whatever it was. I equally have no desire to find out how harmful ash can actually be. But man, the view will be spectacular!