Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Coldest Activity Known to Man

Ice Fishing. Oh, ice fishing. While Dad was up here we had to do it. We met Andy at a lake near work and tried our hand at this outlandish activity. Speaking of my Dad's visit, I will get an update on here with pics and stories and whatnot, but he took like 500 pictures, so it's hard to get down to the bread and butter. I digress...

So the whole time Dad was here it was colder than the depths of hell (I can convinced hell is actually a freezing cold place, but more on that later). Anywho, on the particular day we decided to go try our hand at ice fishing it was a balmy -10. Oddly, this was one of the warmer days while Dad was here. It's been stuck between -15 and -25 at my apartment for the past 10 days.

So we went out there, dressed to the hilt, with an ice auger we borrowed from a guy at work. I was thinking this whole auger drilling process would happen fairly quickly.... WRONG! It took over an hour to drill through the foot and a half of ice.

NOTE: I have been told since this trip to never drill in a pre existing hole. That would have been awesome to know beforehand!

So we broke through after quite a bit of work, then got to fishing. Andy was just getting off work as we started fishing. We caught probably 15-20 little fish. they were blackfish and landlocked chinook salmon. Small fellas, biggest one was probably 6 or 7 inches. I had the glory of catching both the smallest AND largest fish on the day. the smallest one was a little baby.

So onto the awesome part of the trip. For all you PETA lamos reading this (yea i just called you out) take solace in the fact that I did not harvest any little fishy for personal use. I did, however, feed the fish to the bald eagles perched in a nearby tree. It was awesome. Here are some pics Andy posted of one of the eagles, and one of the eagles swooping down and grabbing the fish I so kindly placed on the snow for him:

Ok just kidding. The pictures aren't uploading, so I'll have to get them up later.

So long story short, we caught some fish, fed some bald eagles, while simultaneously learning how cold your feet can truly feel.

When we got home I think it took both of us close to two hours before our feet were truly warm again.

I'm not sure when you can actually consider someone crazy, but Andy and I are hoping to head back out there this weekend.... so the verdict is still out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I knew it was only a matter of time before you went ice fishing. After all, there is no way you are going to sustain from fishing for 4-6 months. Can't wait to see the pictures. Love, Mom